Monday, October 27, 2008


omg. I have finally accepted the fact that I need to write these postings and they are unavoidable, no matter how aggravated I am with them. I feel that I am cutting things down to the wire this week with the posting, but I was doing too many things at once and ended up saving this to the last minute. Sorry-_-.
Anyway, I am here to talk about Share tools and my opinions that go along with them. I find that tools such as Digg, Reddit, and Newsvine are very similar to in terms of use and can be used as such and for more specific topics. Before this assignment I had never heard of these sites and as such have not read about a story or topic through these links, but I feel that they could be useful if you wanted to "reserve" topics for different sites. For instance, you could look for political articles and stories on Digg, and use Reddit to find more personal interest articles.
However, I think that any given person could find most of what they are looking for on just one of these sites, so having all of these different sites to look for different subjects can become rather clustered, which would make them pretty inconvenient. For me, I barely use, so it becomes rather pointless to create accounts on other Share tool sites.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

tried of work

*sigh* I can never seem to get ahead of my assignments. It's ridiculous. I'm completely up to date in every class but this one. I've been having a few personal dilemmas as of late and I can say this: "I am tired of work." It is biggest time vaccum in my college life and it is aggrevating. If it wasn't painstakingly obvious at this point, "aggrevation," or some word derived from "aggrevation," will show up the most on the personal parts of the blogs I write.
Moving right aloug...the photo that you see in this blog is likely going to be what I see tomorrow in the time that I'm writing my midterm. It is a photo taken from and uses the tags: millercenter, library, and SCSU-books. I'm not sure if I would have found a better photo on a different site since is the only site that I use to get my photos from. I don't have a Facebook account, so I obviously don't use it. Regardless, I only use because I only need one photo search website.
Getting back to the subject of tags, I feel that the tags that are assigned to the picture are good, but I think that tags such as "reference" or "research" would be words that the general public would use to find pictures like this. Speaking of the general public, a question came up in discussion a while back: "Are you okay with your photos being available to the public?" My own, personal answer is "no" because anyone could look up the photos and use them for ways not intended. Of course on you can set your photos for "private use only," so in that regard I would have no qualms. From your aggrevated blogger: Soneji.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Another Aggrevation

Hello again, this is Soneji, and I am here to talk about tagging a website. Let me put it this way: IT IS DRIVING ME CRAZY! I'm sorry but it's the same as that bloglines crap that I had to do last week. Yes, I see the potential this computer function has in regards to keeping everything social and organized on the web, but it becomes rather useless when it's more trouble than it's worth. There is a point to setting up these tags and labels if you actually use them in your studies. I know I'm being a bit old-fashioned, but I have never needed to use bookmarks or the like and I have never failed a class in my life.
Outside of my opinions, social bookmarking would definitly make things easier to look up on the web, if you could use it, because it lets everyone have access to tags that relate to different sites and webpages. Also, it would be useful to look up more specific URLs from any given location. If I have to work with these tags, fine, but that doesn't mean that I have to rely on them.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Aggrevation computerized: Bloglines

AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have just tried to subscribe to several different bloglines and I have discovered that it does not help to make my school/college/personal life one iota easier! The only thing that it succeeded in doing is to crystallize my long, bleeping list of the reasons that I hate my computer! Because, ONE, I couldn't find any blogs/sites that I was really interested in and I could only find a few broad subjects to subscribe to instead. TWO, every time that I tried to subscribe to bloglines, it made you sign in over and over and over again. Could they possibly make it so that I could have a good time when signing up for these things? No chance in hell. AND THREE, the fact that you have to restart your computer because bloglines freezes the whole process does not help to put my mind at ease!
*sigh* Alright, I guess that's enough complaining. But unfortunately, I don't think that I will use bloglines in the near future to help with my school or personal life. I mean, the subscribing process has easy steps but it's difficult to find an exact site to subscribe to. For example, I tried to subscribe to a blog about D1 Racing, but I couldn't find a site that would work. Overall, I think that if you can use this bloglines function, more power to you. But it just isn't something that I think I would use, even if I'm trying to be computer savvy.